This paper addresses metafiction as a particular fold of baroque fiction. This is the starting point to analyze the metafictional operations of Quixote, by Cervantes, and "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius", by Borges. The analyzed scenes allow us to talk about degrees of metafiction as well as adverse directions of the folding between fiction and reality. Among the similarities of these stories, the modification of the representation of the past through a priority relationship with writing rather than with reality stands out. Thus, I understand that these stories stage the separation between sign and reality in the modern episteme. In the analysis we will cross the phenomenological terrain of the liquidation of the unity of the narrative voice by the interposition of writing and the weakening of representation. I am also interested in the position of the protagonists facing the problems raised by the inadequacy between sign and reality. While Don Quixote is an anomalous subject who heroically defends imaginary signs, Borges is a regularized subject who resists the advance of archifiction. Finally, I consider the differences between the centripetal metafiction of Cervantes and the centrifugal metafiction of Borges, where the fictional invasion into extratextual reality is specified.
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