Assuming that Osvaldo Lamborghini's literature is a departure and farewell to “modern literature,” this article proposes two intimately related, but at the same time differentiated, directions for contemporary literature. On the one hand, this “departure and farewell” announces an “I”—Ego— that becomes object and flesh for the market, thus exposing them to its violence by the individualizing bodies; while, on the other hand, this fragile and naked “I” —Ego— is the possibility of another beginning. In the eyes of modern literature, the “tadey” —a character created by Lamborghini— is a monstruosity. This article, however, proposes that the lack of future, limited language and inclination to the pleasures of the flesh —tadey’s characteristics—, force an I-reader to erect itself over the Lamborghinian words. But in a second instance of this obligation, and distinguishing itself from that discourse which is destined to be punctured in the capitalist era, the I-reader is infected by Lamborghini’s words to become a “tadey,” another beginning for writing.
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