Regarding the Documentary Trace in Paul Ricoeur and Maurizio Ferraris: Inscriptions and Social Ontology
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objetos sociales
Ferraris traces
social objects

How to Cite

Vera Castañeda, J. “Regarding the Documentary Trace in Paul Ricoeur and Maurizio Ferraris: Inscriptions and Social Ontology”. Universum (Talca. En línea), vol. 39, no. 2, Dec. 2024, pp. 501-17, doi:10.4067/S0718-23762024000200501.


This article proposes a rereading of the epistemology of history developed by Paul Ricoeur in Memory, History, Oblivion based on the social ontology of Maurizio Ferraris. To do this, it reviews Ricoeur's understanding of the concept of trace and the link he establishes with the categories of evidence, testimony, and documents. Despite the operational value of this distinction and the demand for a “critical realism” that exceeds the rhetorical procedures of the narrative representation of historical discourse, Ricoeur's commitment to the hermeneutic tradition leaves aside the historicity of the documents and their role as actors. keys in the articulation of the real world. In that sense, the article nourishes this demand with the theory of documentary nature of the Italian philosopher Maurizio Ferraris. His reading of social objects as inscribed acts allows us to fine-tune the social place of the documents and their status as witnesses, distinguishing “strong” and “weak” documents. This call for attention makes it possible to revisit both the role of the documentary explosion of early modernity and the ongoing documediality as necessary mediations to consider in the “documentary phase” of our historiographic operations.
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