A classic tension between equality and difference has been found in gender studies, whose understanding of each term has determined the categorical role that each one has played in feminist theories. One of the things that underlies this tension is the criticism of essentialisms; criticism that has become key to thinking about the concept of sexual difference. This article seeks to problematize the place of difference in in the so-called sex-gender system, because a binary verticality is still maintained and under a methodological dualism. On the contrary, the place of difference will revolve around Hegel’s thinking and what his contributions may be to think an ontology of difference sexual. After confronting the notion of gender and difference in Hegel with the sex-gender system of a socio-constructivist approach, the thesis I propose is that the notion of difference from a Hegelian ontological perspective overturns the hierarchy of sexual difference as it has been developed by some approaches within gender studies
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