The Beatles and Philosophy
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The Beatles
interpretation The Beatles
interpretación The Beatles

How to Cite

Chataignier, G. “The Beatles and Philosophy: Alterity, Rupture and Plasticity”. Universum (Talca. En línea), vol. 39, no. 1, June 2024, pp. 175-93, doi:10.4067/S0718-23762024000100175.


This article focuses on the musical production of the English group The Beatles, understanding it as an apprenticeship of alterity. For that, a striking trait in the referred musical corpus was chosen, namely, the theme of love and its changes. Immediately abandoning a merely representational perspective based on the adequacy of a particular entity to an external criterion, it will be a matter of both analyzing particular pieces and constructing the specificity, a posteriori, of the theme now engendered. From such an aesthetic reading comes the second moment of the text, that is, seeking and locating the relationship between continuity and rupture throughout albums and tracks, under the backdrop of love.
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