This article proposes a scrutiny of François Soulages’ photographic theory expounded in his book Esthétique de la photographie(2005), taking as the main way of approximation what I will call here -echoing the syntagma “ça a été joué” elaborated by Soulages to understand the nature of analog photography- “the theatricality inherent in photography”. As we will see, Soulages analyzes the act of photographic capture as a complex scene of displacements and detours that occur in the interaction between the agents involved (photograph and model/s), in which the drive pole (the “it”, ça) of those involved has the main incidence. Considering three fundamental concepts for the analysis of this scene (the “it”, the “metamorphosis” and the “openness to the enigma” of photography), I seek to demonstrate that, far from configuring itself as a “knowledge” (savoir) of reality, the photo opens the way rather to a ça-voir: an interrogative and exploratory opening, which determines the radical experience that looking at a photo always is for Soulages. My purpose is to show that this idea of a ça-voir, in which photography ultimately calls for philosophical reflection, represents a fundamental aspect of Soulages’ aesthetic reflection.
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