Blanquitud and Whiteness. Construction and Use of an Epistemological Device
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capitalism Blanquitud

How to Cite

Torres Gaxiola, A. ., and C. Oliva Mendoza. “Blanquitud and Whiteness. Construction and Use of an Epistemological Device”. Universum (Talca. En línea), vol. 39, no. 2, Dec. 2024, pp. 483-00, doi:10.4067/S0718-23762024000200483.


The aim of this paper is to reconstruct and rethink the notion of blanquitud, elaborated by the philosopher Bolívar Echeverría Andrade, in tension with the notion of whiteness. In this context, we analyze and synthesize works that Echeverría dedicates to the subject. We place the concept of whiteness within the conceptual plot of capital and its religious structure, elaborated by Marx, Weber and Echeverría himself. The results achieved are to analyze and synthesize the definitions of blanquitud formulated by Echeverría. To study, synthetically, the processes of racial and identity formalization within Capitalist Modernity. Understand the drifts of class and race, and its historical and spatial power implied by the category of blanquitud.
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