Navigation in the Vega del Cobán-La Reforma political entity in the Middle Basin of the Motagua River, Guatemala
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Middle Motagua
Maya Navegación

How to Cite

Ramírez Cordova, S. “Navigation in the Vega Del Cobán-La Reforma Political Entity in the Middle Basin of the Motagua River, Guatemala”. Universum (Talca. En línea), vol. 39, no. 2, Dec. 2024, pp. 409-25, doi:10.4067/S0718-23762024000200409.


The Motagua River was one of the main communication routes of the ancient Mayans, even though currently its serious deterioration, as a result of pollution, makes navigation impossible in the region known as Motagua Medio. Archaeological evidence allows us to know the importance that had in the communication between sites as well as in long-distance relationships, this observed through the evidence of different foreign materials that are in various archaeological sites in the sector as well as the presence of jadeite in different sectors of the Mayan and Mesoamerican Areas. This article will discuss one of the entities that delimited the region to the east, which constituted the border associated with the trade route to the Caribbean Sea, and consequently with the Mayan Lowlands. The evidence recovered has consisted of piers, causeways and archaeological materials that allow us to infer about the capital importance that navigation played in this community for its inter and intra-site relationships as well as at a regional level.
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