Cosmological Implications of Aquatic Space at Copán, Honduras
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Cosmología maya
Copán Maya cosmology

How to Cite

Somohano, A. “Cosmological Implications of Aquatic Space at Copán, Honduras”. Universum (Talca. En línea), vol. 39, no. 2, Dec. 2024, pp. 427-44, doi:10.4067/S0718-23762024000200427.


Specialised research on the Maya cosmos describes it as a three-layered model in which three ontologically different strata are distributed in a vertical manner: first the heavens, then the surface of the earth, and underneath this, the underworld. Additionally, the underworld is portrayed as an aquatic realm; hence, aquatic spaces are being frequently associated with the underworld. A detailed analysis of references to aquatic places in the monuments and architecture of Copan, Honduras, reveals that these were not only connected with the underground, but also with the heavens, raising concerns about the generalised vertical division of the Maya cosmos into three distinct layers as found in the literature.
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