This article proposes an interpretation of Un mundo huérfano (2016) of Guiseppe Caputo and analyzes the relations between body, subject, and digital world that the text develops. It focusses on cibersexual intercourses, through the prism of posthuman philosophy and the logics of digital culture which establishes a dynamic of mutual influence with subjectivity, transforming sensitive perception and human affections in a constant mutation. In this way, the body takes vital importance to the question about the becoming of hybrid subjectivities, produced by the new agencies between humans and non-humans in informational capitalism. In the novel, we find the representation of a multiple and fragmented body due to the process of digitalization, reflected in the metonymic enunciation and the dehumanization that implies the consumable body arrangement. Thus, new aesthetic forms are revealed that seek the semantic and artistic expression of the effects of digital culture on subjectivity, from the hybrid Latin-American perspective, on the margins of world’s digital technology development centers.
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