This article focuses on the intersection between the field of study of collective memories with the field of social movements and political action that takes place in the context of various current activisms and social conflicts. In order to account for how the relationship between memory, social movements and activism is approached, a review of academic articles, books and book chapters published in recent years is presented, from which the main problems that this intersection of studies has addressed. At the same time, we propose the expression of political memories as a way of advancing in a conceptualization capable of picking up the particular character that memory work acquires in the framework of political actions carried out by social movements and activisms of various kinds. In this sense, we highlight the idea that these memories have the potential to become resources not only for the action of social movements and activism in general, but also as a way of historicizing these movements and registering them in broader time frames that allow the articulation of their struggles between past, present and future.References
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