The Oneiric, Philosophical and Political Cosmology of Christine de Pizan
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scientific imagination
natural philosophy
oneiric literature
tradition of women's philosophical thought
herstory imaginación científica
filosofía natural
literatura onírica
tradición del pensamiento filosófico femenino
historia de las mujeres

How to Cite

Rabassó, G. “The Oneiric, Philosophical and Political Cosmology of Christine De Pizan”. Universum (Talca. En línea), vol. 37, no. 2, Dec. 2022, pp. 439-55, doi:10.4067/S0718-23762022000200439.


Christine de Pizan (ca. 1364-ca. 1430) describes the universe and reflects on the causes of the generation of the cosmos in several passages of her allegorical works. Her interest in natural philosophy is well known and, although she had no formal training in the arts of the quadrivium, she taught herself from the books available to her at Charles V’s court. In the journeys on Earth and through the heavens that she depicts in Le chemin de long estude (1402) and L’Advision-Cristine (1405), she reworks ideas taken from philosophical and literary sources both ancient, late antique and medieval. She frames these ideas in her own imaginary and uses them to analyse, by analogy, the ethical-political issues at the heart of her practical proposals for restoring order, peace and concord to the kingdom of France after Charles VI’s rise to power. De Pizan conceives of nature as a series of living, sexed, feminine forces, personified as ladies of great authority. Thus, on both the natural and social levels, she gives women a key role in organising and directing the world in every conceivable sphere of reality.
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