The Sensory Nature of the Royal Power – Alfonso X, Segunda Partida
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Alfonso X
senses Alfonso X

How to Cite

Coronado Schwindt, G. “The Sensory Nature of the Royal Power – Alfonso X, Segunda Partida”. Universum (Talca. En línea), vol. 37, no. 2, Dec. 2022, pp. 379-97, doi:10.4067/S0718-23762022000200379.


The process of construction of the Castilian royal power, throughout the Late Middle Ages, shows multiple aspects presented in the vast bibliography developed during the past century and in the first decades of the current century. On this occasion, we propose to reflect on the sensory nature of the relations established by the monarch with his subjects, since power is not only seen, but also felt and expressed in corporeality. This sensory facet of power was a prominent focus of attention in the legislative work of Alfonso X codified in his Siete Partidas [Seven-Part Code]. Consequently, the aim of this work will be to make a first approach to the mediations established by the senses in the relations between the people and their king, focusing particularly in the Segunda Partida [Second Part of the Code] of the Alfonsine work, based on the Aristotelian conceptualizations of sensoriality. This will allow us to examine how a particular schema of the microcosm of royal power was elaborated.
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