The revealed body and its re-signification in A Very Easy Death
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ethnography género

How to Cite

Rodríguez Barraza, A., and D. Aguirre Pérez. “The Revealed Body and Its Re-Signification in A Very Easy Death”. Universum (Talca. En línea), vol. 37, no. 1, June 2022, pp. 229-4, doi:10.4067/s0718-23762022000100229 .


This article comprises an ethnographic analysis of A Very Easy Death, a secondary work by Simone de Beauvoir that narrates the last days of her mother's life, where the body appears as a materiality that escapes the attempt to apprehend it in reasoning. This book is taken as interpretative material of the culture that the author and her mother go through, and is based on the feelings, experiences and links between them to construct the analytical category of the woman's body. Thus, throughout the text, the subcategories of the cultural body, the biological body and the body as mirror are developed to problematize the material dimension of the body, which insists on attempts to reduce it to a cultural text. From a position that assumes the complexity of social reality, the contribution and scope of this work aims to add to the academic reflection on the construction of the body as a complex object of study.
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