Towards the place of art. A tool for the analysis of the link between visitor - architectural works that contain contemporary art
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arte contemporáneo
análisis y diseño arquitectónico
visitantes place
contemporary art
analysis and architectural design

How to Cite

Gallardo Frías, L., C. Figueroa Caravagno, and M. I. Toledo Jofré. “Towards the Place of Art. A Tool for the Analysis of the Link Between Visitor - Architectural Works That Contain Contemporary Art”. Universum (Talca. En línea), vol. 37, no. 1, June 2022, pp. 67-86, doi:10.4067/s0718-23762022000100067.


Place is the receptacle that condenses meaning and the person who grants it is the human being. Architectural works that contain contemporary art, by the very definition of this art, have an added difficulty in becoming a place. The objective of this article is to present a tool to analyze the relationship between the visitor and the architectural work that contains contemporary art, which allows to clarify this link and reflect on its ‘placeness’. To build this tool, a multidisciplinary and multi-methodological strategy is deployed. It is a multiple case analysis, which implements an in-depth comparison of five cases of emblematic architectural works containing contemporary art in Santiago de Chile. The notion of place is divided into four qualities: identity, limit, totality and meaning. Each of them is operationalized in a corresponding dimension: historical-institutional, urban, architectural and sociocultural. The data analysis is constructed of a matrix that allows the dimensions to intersect with the case studies. As a result, a tool is presented for the analysis of the link between the visitor and the architectural work that contains contemporary art.
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