Memories and trans-formation of Lisette’s identity in the novel “Rosalía la Infame” by Évelyne Trouillot
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Évelyne Trouillot
oral literature
trans-formation Évelyne Trouillot
relatos orales

How to Cite

Salinas Herrera, L. “Memories and Trans-Formation of Lisette’s Identity in the Novel ‘Rosalía La Infame’ by Évelyne Trouillot”. Universum (Talca. En línea), vol. 34, no. 2, Dec. 2020, pp. 61-77, doi:10.4067/S0718-23762019000200061.


This article will present an analysis focused on the memories transmitted through the stories of different characters and how they turn out to be key in the evolution experienced by the protagonist of the novel. The analysis is developed supported by various theoretical resources that aim to identify the factors extracted from these oral stories and how they affect the identity of the protagonist. At the end of the analysis it is concluded that the evolution or adaptation of Lisette’s identity results in a transformation of it that responds to a social and personal need for change.
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