The Imaginary of the Ruins from a Reflexive Nostalgia Adiciones palermitanas by Germán Marín
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reflective nostalgia
city of Santiago
Germán Marín ruinas
nostalgia reflexiva
ciudad de Santiago
Germán Marín

How to Cite

Fuentes Leal, M. “The Imaginary of the Ruins from a Reflexive Nostalgia Adiciones Palermitanas by Germán Marín”. Universum (Talca. En línea), vol. 36, no. 1, July 2021, pp. 237-52, doi:10.4067/S0718-23762021000100237.


The following article examines the imaginary of the ruins in Adiciones palermitanas (2016) by Germán Marín, where there two dissimilar times, past and present, coexist, in charge of the anachronistic voice of its protagonist narrator, and the manager of Palermo hotel, types of flâneur whose reflective nostalgia, which brings together desire and critical thinking, functions as a means of survival in a ruined city from the mid-twentieth century to the dawn of the twenty-first century.
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